Why Soul Coaching?
Here is a secret -- all the knowledge you need and the answers you are looking for are within you. But, sometimes, you just need a guide to inspire you to get started, to help you find the courage and confidence to look inside for the answers you seek and to teach you how to let go of what no longer serves you. This is the work of a soul coach. It's a little bit of magic, a little bit of wisdom, and a lot of LISTENING to YOU.
A Guided Journey To Your Authentic Self
Find The Answers Within YOU
Are you feeling stuck? Feeling like there is more for YOU to do, but you don't know how or where to start to move forward. I can help you find your inspired path to break free.
​I will guide you to listen to your own inner wisdom and tap into the answers within YOU!
Divine Wisdom Circles
Wanting a more authentic, heart-felt connection? Let me guide you and a group of friends with a circle experience custom-designed for your group to open and connect your hearts.
Authentic Leadership
Are you trying to learn how to lead from your heart, from your soul essence, honoring your true voice?
Let's partner to discover your authentic leadership style that inspires all your lead.
Learn the Art of Beautiful Conversations
Relationships – at work, at home, wherever they are in your life -- are meaningful when you learn the art of communicating from your heart.
​I can help you learn how to take your conversations deeper and teach you how to say what you really want to express but may not know how. You will learn how to communicate from your heart space and speak your truth from a place of love and kindness.
A Roadmap to Your Unique Essence​
This Is Your Unique Journey – let's work together to design your path. ​
​This isn't therapy. It's having a trusted partner to listen to YOU, to ask guided questions, and to help you listen to your inner wisdom. ​​
​We will create a personalized roadmap to your heart and your soul. This will include resources tailored just for YOU and routine practices to support you on your journey. ​
Parenting Teens: It Takes A Village
As a parent of four teenage boys, I have spent a lot of time talking with other parents, sharing ideas, and supporting each other in our experiences.
I am here to listen, ask questions and help you find your authentic parenting style that is right for you and your kids.