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A Soul Discovery Journey
Kari Prevost
May 3, 20222 min read
Courage. Do you have it? We all do if you look within. When I first started working with my executive coach more then 7 years ago, I...
Kari Prevost
May 3, 20222 min read
Aligning to Your Soul's Purpose: Take the First Step and Enjoy the Journey
Everyone's soul has a purpose, and last year I finally took my first step (or at least the first one I was consciously aware of) to go on...
Kari Prevost
May 3, 20221 min read
Be Fearless. Listen. Open. Follow Truth.
Speak to me my ancient soul. Lead me to my purpose that has not yet shown but lingers and teases with the playfulness of a child. Embrace...
Kari Prevost
May 3, 20221 min read
Light and Darkness: #Light Wins
The darkness arrives like a late night chill Grasping to cover my heart But I will not let it, I will fight The warrior is called. FIre...
Kari Prevost
May 3, 20223 min read
A Healing Mindset: A Hell Yes to Being a Loving Badass Soul that's Crazy Mobile
Ok, I break my leg skiing Super Bowl Sunday and after surgery am officially the bionic woman, titanium rod and all. I am told only 50%...
Kari Prevost
May 3, 20221 min read
Live What You Love
Finding yourself doing the same routine – get up, get kids to school, go to work, come home, take care of kids, clean the house, go to...
Kari Prevost
May 3, 20221 min read
Into the Light
Traveling into the light Bathed gently by its beauty Shining brilliant — I know I am a part. Believe in the heart opening, breaking thru...
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